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LOHCF Small Groups

All LOHCF Small Groups will take place virtually, contact our staff for more information

Small Groups are a big deal at Labourers of the Harvest Christian Fellowship. It is the place where relationships are cultivated, care is distributed, truth is encountered, and maturity is fostered in our lives. Joining a small group is an essential part of making Labourers of the Harvest Christian Fellowship.

Christian Booklet


Theology is the study or science of God. Theology will also seek to understand God’s creation, particularly human beings and their condition, and God’s redemptive working in relation to humankind.


An alternate definition provided by Erickson is that theology is the discipline that strives to give a coherent statement of the doctrines of the Christian faith, based primarily on the Scriptures, placed in the context of culture in general, worded in a contemporary idiom, and related to issues of life. This definition identifies five key aspects of the task of theology.


  1. Theology is biblical

  2. Theology is systematic

  3. Theology also relates to the issues of general culture and learning

  4. Theology must also be contemporary

  5. Theology is to be practical


Our Christian message addresses the questions and the challenges encountered today, even while challenging the validity of some of those questions.


Ecclesiology — The area of Christian theology focused on the Church, derived from the Greek word for “church,” ekklÄ“sia.


So when we refer to “the Church” we are referring to:


  1. The assembly of individuals called out of the world….

  2. Define Church further

  3. The Marks of the Church

  4. The Biblical History

  5. The Nature of 

  6. The Ministry of

  7. The mission of


Soteriology - (Gk. σωτηρία, ‘salvation’). The section of Christian theology which treats of the saving work of Christ for the world. It includes not only the doctrines of the *Atonement and of *Grace, but also (1) the doctrine of human nature as affected by the *Fall and by *sin, which is the presupposition of Christ’s work, and (2) the doctrine of man’s final destiny as the result of that work 


There are three witnesses in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.  1 John 5:8


The principle of sacramentality is the fundamental conviction that the visible, tangible, and historical material of the world around us can reveal the tangible, invisible and in material presence of God. 



We affirm the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the inspired Word of God. The Bible is the ultimate authority in matters of faith and morals. With the Holy Tradition of the Church to guide us we seek to interpret the Scriptures in a faithful and traditional manner. We also affirm the historic creeds of the early church.


In the New Testament and the writings of the early church, we find that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were and therefore should be, normative in the worship of the Almighty God. We believe the Holy Spirit transforms lives and moves in power even today. We affirm the Baptism in and of the Holy Spirit. We strive to give way to the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our community praise and worship.

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